Tennessee River

The Tennessee River is formed at Knoxville, Tenn., by the junction of the Holston and French rivers, flowing south and southwest to its confluence with the Ohio River at Paducah, Ky., a distance of 650 miles.
The Complete Listing of Marinas and Locks on the Inland and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways
Ghost Hunting on the Delta Queen
Some say the ghost of sea captain, Mary Greene, haunts the place she died, the sternwheeler steamboat, Delta Queen, now a “hotel” in permanent dock in Chattanooga, Tenn. And well she may, since Mary was as wedded to the rivers of the Heartland as to her husband, Captain Gordon Greene. Mary Becker […] Read More
Sail Like Columbus
Remember that poem: In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, a gravedigger, a history teacher and a bartender sailed the ocean blue. True, it once was Christopher Columbus in that childhood poetry, but now the sailors on his ships, replicas of the Nina and Pinta, are a diverse crew of mostly volunteers. Allison Asher […] Read More
Fall Fests
Marked by a pleasant change of color and climate, fall offers boaters in the Midwest a chance to enjoy their favorite pastime from a whole new perspective. What’s more, a variety of annual festivals spread throughout the region add to the seasonal opportunities with their autumn-inspired flavor and attractions. No, it’s not too late […] Read More
Weather Woes
Not even one year after a near-historic drought baked the area, a cold and rainy spring caused the boating season to start late in many places around the Heartland. The impact has seriously curtailed boating plans and slashed profits for marine businesses, bringing comments from “it’s been a lousy year so far” to “ […] Read More
Summer Fest-For-Alls
To get an idea of how popular waterfront festivals are, just Google the phrase ”riverfront days.‘ It yields almost 8 million results. Seems like virtually every community with access to a nearby waterway holds some kind of event on land’s end. These can range from small, several-hour celebrations to large, multi-week events. It’s almost […] Read More
Tuning into Tennessee
Talk to anyone about Tennessee and the conversation will usually boil down to a back-and-forth about music or barbeque. Well, we’re here to tell you that boating should be added to the dialog. A grand confluence of mighty rivers and sun-drenched lakes deliver onboard opportunities to all corners of the Volunteer State, with the […] Read More
Living Large
It’s no secret the houseboat industry has had a tough time over the last few years. Economic turbulence here and abroad even caused several prominent manufacturers to close their doors. But houseboaters are a passionate bunch, and if last year’s sales numbers are any indication, these folks are starting to open their wallets and […] Read More
Profile: Leatherwood Resort & Marina
Whether you come by boat, RV, car or motorcycle, Leatherwood Resort & Marina is one of the best places on Kentucky Lake to relax and have fun. Located near the midpoint of an 84-mile Tennessee River stretch from Kentucky Dam to the I-40 crossing, this inviting destination offers easy access to great fishing areas. […] Read More