Ohio Gets Boating Education Grants – Quimby's Cruising Guide

Ohio Gets Boating Education Grants

If you plan to operate a boat in Ohio in 2014, you should have ample opportunity to find a approved boating safety education course near you, thanks to recent grants awarded to the state’s community boating safety education programs.

According to an article published on December 8 in the Toledo Blade newspaper, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has awarded more than $300,000 to support 22 community boating safety education programs across the state next year. Individual grants range from $2,562 to $30,000. These grants are funded by Ohio’s recreational boaters through the state’s Waterways Safety Fund, which is comprised of the state motor fuel tax, watercraft registration and titling fees, and U.S. Coast Guard funding.

Ohio law requires people born on or after January 1, 1982, to be able to show proof they have successfully completed an approved boating safety education course in order to operate powered watercraft greater than 10 horsepower.

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