New Online Course Available for Inland Boating – Quimby's Cruising Guide

New Online Course Available for Inland Boating

Whether you’re new to boating on our inland waterways or just need a refresher, a new online course from the United States Power Squadrons (USPS) and the BoatUS Foundation can help you cruise with confidence. The “Boating on Rivers, Locks and Lakes” course will teach you to recognize features, “read” the river and lock through without having to learn by trial and error.

“These unique waterways sometimes don’t leave much room for error. By using an advanced online educational tool, we’re helping boaters gain that experience in a stress-free environment that will help them get more out of the inland boating lifestyle,” said BoatUS Foundation Director of Education Amanda Suttles Perez.

Taken in the comfort of home, time-challenged boaters can progress at will, starting and stopping at any time. The cost is $40 or just $31.60 for members of the USPS, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Great Lake Cruising Club and, for a limited time, BoatUS members.

The course is available at

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