Corps Release Lower Mississippi River Recreation Report – Quimby's Cruising Guide

Corps Release Lower Mississippi River Recreation Report

The Memphis Engineer District has released the Assessment of River Related Recreation and Access, the second report authorized by the Lower Mississippi River Resource Assessment. The report addresses recreation on the Lower Mississippi River and the need for facilities and access.

The study team identified eight areas of need on the Lower River: boat ramps, bicycle trails, outfitter and guide services, lodging and dining, parks and vistas, interpretation, riverboat landings and marketing. Addressing some of the recreation and access needs on the Lower River would add to residents’ quality of life, and bring increased revenues and jobs to the region and the nation.

This assessment is the second of three to be completed under the Lower Mississippi River Resource Assessment. An information needs assessment was completed in 2013 and a natural habitat needs assessment will be released later this year. These three assessments will be combined into a comprehensive plan to guide management of the Lower Mississippi River, the Corps said.

The investigation was authorized in the Water Resource Development Act of 2000. The Nature Conservancy-Great Rivers Partnership is the lead study sponsor. Other partners include the Mississippi River Corridor-Tennessee, National Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy chapters in Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, and the Lower Mississippi River Conservancy Committee.

The report is available at, or by contacting Marsha Raus at 901-544-3455 or

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