Month: October 2015
River Mayors Tout Mississippi’s Impact
A new economic study, the first of its kind, reveals that the economic impact of the Mississippi River is even greater than was previously thought: revenues generated by activity in and around the river amount to $405 billion a year, and it supports 1.3 million jobs directly. Earlier estimates had put the river’s impact at […] Read More

The Complete Listing of Marinas and Locks on the Inland and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways
Hurricane SunDeck 2486 OB
My friend, Tony, recently asked: “What’s the deal with deck boats? Seems to me like they’re a great family boat. They have lots or room for people and gear. They’re practical, versatile, and come with outboard or inboard power [in some cases]. But, apparently, I can’t own one because they’re not cool like a bowrider. […] Read More
The Song My Paddle Sings
Back in my school days I memorized Pauline Johnson’s poem “The Song My Paddle Sings” and was inspired by its words to add paddling to my bucket list. Since I started kayaking, I’ve taken many opportunities to paddle rivers across the heartland not otherwise accessible to boaters. It seems I’m not the only one with […] Read More