Month: May 2013
“Float for Hope” Fundraiser Hits the Missouri River
A 120-mile fundraising trip called “Float for Hope” down the Missouri River is being planned by employees of Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel to benefit Give Kids The World (GKTW). GKTW Village is a 70-acre, nonprofit resort in Central Florida that provides week-long, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their […] Read More

The Complete Listing of Marinas and Locks on the Inland and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways
Boat Buying/Selling Tips, Part 1
If 2013 means a boat acquisition or sale for you, I’d like to share some tips that we’ve found helpful and useful for our brokerage clients over the years. We’ll look at this transaction from the both the seller’s and buyer’s side. Many people don’t realize that in addition to our Yacht […] Read More
Message in a Bottle
The idea of sending or receiving a “message in a bottle” has had a nautical élan for centuries. Theoprahastus, a Greek philosopher, is credited with throwing the first sealed bottles into the water around 310 BC into the Mediterranean. It was reported that he had no responses. In more modern times, the rock band […] Read More
Boating Fatalities, Accidents Hit All-Time Low
The U.S. Coast Guard released its 2012 Recreational Boating Statistics Monday, revealing that boating fatalities that year totaled 651, the lowest number of boating fatalities on record. From 2011 to 2012, deaths in boating-related accidents decreased from 758 to 651, a 14.1 percent decrease; injuries decreased from 3,081 to 3,000, a 2.6 […] Read More
Rising Water Buoys Lake Cumberland Tourism
More boaters, anglers and vacationers are expected to head to Lake Cumberland this summer as the pristine southeastern Kentucky lake’s water level rises about 20 feet following repairs to the dam. Lodging operators are anticipating a strong summer season, said Carolyn Mounce, executive director of the Somerset-Pulaski County Convention and Visitors Bureau. […] Read More
Summer Fest-For-Alls
To get an idea of how popular waterfront festivals are, just Google the phrase ”riverfront days.‘ It yields almost 8 million results. Seems like virtually every community with access to a nearby waterway holds some kind of event on land’s end. These can range from small, several-hour celebrations to large, multi-week events. It’s almost […] Read More
Profile: Port of Dubuque Marina
The Ice Harbor in Dubuque, Iowa, has a long and interesting history. Originally, the river there was a maze of peninsulas, sloughs, islands and bayous that prevented river traffic from accessing the city. But planning and dredging created a winter harbor so 50 barges and 20 steamboats could be protected from the ice. It […] Read More

The Complete Listing of Marinas and Locks on the Inland and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways
Review: Bayliner Element
There’s nothing wrong with giving people what they want. The new Bayliner Element, in fact, embraces several current boating trends — among them a desire for increased accessibility and versatility, and a renewed focus on outboard power. People these days want a vessel that’s easy to own, operate and maintain, and can be used […] Read More