Asian Carp – Quimby's Cruising Guide
Asian Carp Fishing Method Being Tested In Kentucky

By Shelley Byrne A commercial fisherman harvested close to 60,000 pounds of Asian carp from one bay in 48 hours as part of a fishing method being tested in Kentucky for the first time. Often referred to as either haul seining or beach seining, the method involves running a net out into the bay and […] Read More

2024 Quimby's Cruising Guide

The Complete Listing of Marinas and Locks on the Inland and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways

Invasive Carp Continue Spread In Upper Mississippi Basin

Scientists were worried in 2013 when they found what seemed to be Asian carp eggs and late-stage embryos in the Upper Mississippi River near Lynxville, Wis.—250 miles north of the last known reproducing populations of the invasive plankton eaters they’d been battling for 20 years. Their worries, reported to National Geographic’s worldwide audience in 2014, […] Read More