Month: November 2012
Review: Rinker 290 Express Cruiser
So, what do you do with a mountain of boat suggestions from existing owners and engaged dealers? If you’re Rinker Boats, you take those ideas, give them to a motivated boat designer and encourage the creation of an entirely new boat concept. The result in this case is the new Rinker 290 Express Cruiser. […] Read More

The Complete Listing of Marinas and Locks on the Inland and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways
NMMA 2012 CSI Award Winners Include 28 Heartland Builders
The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) in September recognized recipients of the 2012 Marine Industry Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Awards for the award period from April 2011 through March 2012. Forty-one boat and engine manufacturers were recognized for excellence in customer satisfaction as part of the NMMA’s CSI program, including 28 that […] Read More
33 Heartland Dealers Make Boating Industry’s Top 100 List
Boating Industry magazine, a leading trade publication for marine dealers, has announced its annual list of the Top 100 Boat Dealers in North America for 2012. This year, 33 of the dealers on the list fall into the Heartland region. “This group of dealers truly represents the elite of the boating industry, […] Read More
Review: Bennington 2275 RCW
Let’s face it: You don’t buy a pontoon boat for its performance attributes at speed — at least not when compared with traditional mono-hulls. Pontoons offer their own unique appeal, including while under way, but for the most part, no one brags about their toon’s turning abilities or time-to-plane speeds. That’s why […] Read More
Getting Into Hard-To-Reach Places
Recently, the owner of a Hatteras 53 and I attempted to remove an anchor windlass motor that had failed. Rust streaks running from the interior of the motor were evidence that all was not well internally. We had plenty of voltage going to the motor, but it wouldn’t respond. It was due for a […] Read More
A 12-Year Boat Building Odyssey
Tim Keith-Lucas, PhD, has been many things in his life. The fourth-generation academic is Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, at Sewanee: The University of the South. He manages the Primate Research Program on St. Catherine’s Island, Ga., where 80-some lemurs run free. He is an airplane pilot, a Sheriff’s Deputy, and was a volunteer EMT […] Read More
Review: Sea Ray 450 Sedan Bridge
“Our unique manufacturing process and dedication to quality can be found at each step,” said Joe Cacopardo, Sea Ray’s director of marketing, when describing the 450 Sedan Bridge, “from concept to design, to prototype testing and all the way through final production.” After talking with Cacopardo at the Miami International Boat Show, […] Read More

The Complete Listing of Marinas and Locks on the Inland and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways
Drying Out E10 Fuel
Unless you’ve been boating using a canoe or kayak the past decade, you’re probably aware of a corn distilled product called E10. Due to government mandates, it must be distributed at the rate of 10 percent ethanol (E10) mixed into all gasoline fuels sold in the US and soon this may possibility be raised […] Read More